Will I need a retainer after braces, and for how long?
The simple answer is YES, and for as long as you want your teeth to stay straight – in most cases. Different types exists, but are usually comfortable. You will need to have some form of retainer to ensure your teeth stay perfectly straight as most people’s teeth move throughout life. Everything changes as we get older. Teeth are no different.
Will I need extractions?
Sometimes teeth need to be taken out to fit everything in. However, there are fewer cases today of having teeth extracted compared to 20 years ago – for all sorts of reasons (often being patient preference). All the pros and cons will be explained to you so you can make an informed decision. Usually, if teeth need extracting it is obvious to everyone!
Does having braces hurt?
Not really, for the most part. Sure, at first there is a stage of getting used to them and the teeth and gums can be sore. This usually lasts for only a week or two, and headache tablets manage the pain if needed. Adults may experience pain for a bit longer.
How long does treatment take?
Treatment time can range from 6 months to 2 years in most cases. The average time in braces is about 18 months while Invisalign® is about 12 months.
How much does treatment usually cost?
This depends on what age and type of treatment is needed. The usual range of costs are from $1500 to about $6000. Invisalign® costs a bit more.
Can all ages be treated?
Teeth can be moved at any age – even 80 year olds! However, orthodontic treatment is often more easily managed when patients are still actively growing. Most orthodontic treatment occurs during teenage years.
Early treatment (age 6-9yo) – is it worthwhile?
For some children, definitely yes. For the majority, probably no. However, an appointment with your orthodontist should resolve this question.
What is the best age to have treatment?
For some, early treatment (age 6-9yo) is definitely worthwhile. However, for most, age 10 to 14 is the best time. This age often allows shorter, more effective and ultimately less costly treatments to be delivered.
What is the best age to have an orthodontic examination?
The Australian Society of Orthodontists recommends your child has a check-up with an orthodontist at around 8 to 10 years.